 First Congregational Church and Society,  United Church of Christ,  6 Payson Hill Rd.,  Rindge, NH 03461   Mailing address: PO Box 451, Rindge, NH 03461   Phone: 603-899-5722 

Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. 

Bible Study

Youth Group

Church School

Growing Together

The education ministries of our Church are designed with the purpose of allowing members and friends to further develop and enhance their abilities to live out faith-filled lives.  Programs encourage interaction with the Word, fellowship with others, and development of personal spiritual practices.  Education opportunities exist for both the adults and the youth of our Church. 

Bible studies provide the opportunity for members and friends to connect closely with the Word.  Participants meet together to read, discuss, ask questions and share their viewpoints.  Everyone is welcome to attend, and no prior knowledge of the Bible is required.
 Bible Study meets every Thursday at 9:30 A.M.   Contact us for covide times

Adult Education Programs

Middle School Social/Discussion Groups  will be open to the wider community and will involve topic discussions, along with fun activities designed to build community and social awareness.   These sessions will be offered three or more times per year on a Sunday afternoon/evening.

During the Sunday service, we  offer a vibrant and informative learning experience for our young children, Kindergarten through 5th grade.  On the 2-4th Sunday of the month, the children start in worship and then move downstairs for Church School.  On the first Sunday of the month children remain in worship.    For more details click here

Youth Education Programs


RINDGE, NH 03461


United Church of Christ